Brimfield Outdoor Antiques Show
Next date of this event TBD.
Venue / Location
Brimfield Massachusetts
Contact by Phone
Next date of this event TBD.
Venue / Location
Brimfield Massachusetts
Contact by Phone
The Brimfield Antiques Show began in the 1950's and has become the largest and best-known antique show in the country. The town's 35 square miles are surrounded by apple orchards and wooded hills, rivers, and valleys. The town's population balloons to over 30,000 visitors and over 5,000 dealers from all over the world, and has a carnival-like atmosphere, appropriate for all ages. From millionaire world-famous rock stars, to the mason down the street, the Show is a Mecca for serious and casual collectors of all kinds of antiques. Other dates are: 7/10-7/15/ & 9/4/-9/9.