Summer Redneck Games
Channel your inner-redneck for this event featuring unique games and attractions.
Next date of this event TBD.
Venue / Location
East Dublin Georgia
Next date of this event TBD.
Venue / Location
East Dublin Georgia
Georgia is the heart of America's redneck territory, so it's no surprise that the Redneck Games are held here in East Dublin. This is stereotypical beer, barbeque and arm fart country, a place where bent coat-hangers with aluminum foil serve as antennas and good ol' country boys keep both dogs and wallets on chains. The games themselves are down-and-dirty events like bobbing for pig's feet, seed spitting, dumpster diving, hubcap hurling, bug zapping by spitball, an armpit serenade and a big-hair contest. Of the 20,000 folks who attend today from around the world, very few are true rednecks. Most are just faux rednecks that return to their mainstream lives come Monday morning.