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TRAVEL WORTHY EVENTS: Hooked, Fish & Free Fall Festivals

TRAVEL WORTHY EVENTS: Hooked, Fish & Free Fall Festivals

Hooked for Life: Destin, Florida Fishing Rodeo

The Destin Fishing Rodeo welcomes locals and visitors alike to enjoy and experience ‘the world’s luckiest fishing village.” Running through all of October, the Destin Fishing Rodeo hosts some 30,000 anglers who compete for $200,000 in cash prizes. Anglers may compete in various categories. Attend prize-awarding events on a daily and weekly basis, but the big awards are given at the end of the month. Weigh-in your catch daily on Destin’s Historic Harbor to see if you have a prize-winning fish.

Fishing Family Friendly Event

This year, the rodeo is free to anglers fishing aboard a registered charter fishing or party boat. Even if you don’t fish, you can still have fun! “Everybody should go down to the docks during weigh-in." one visitor relates: “Last year, my daughter brought in a red snapper weighing 12.5 pounds, and half of it had been eaten by a shark while she was pulling it in. Bruce, the weigh master, put it on the scales and announced that this is what happens when you can’t reel it in fast enough.”

The fishing rodeo organizers understand that introducing kids to fishing early will ‘hook ‘em” on the sport for life. Along those lines, they have designed the rodeo atmosphere as family friendly. This venue encourages kids to “take the bait” and get involved in their own special events.

If you are with the entire family, Kids Kickoff starts at 2 pm on Saturday, October 1st. Your kids can have fun at a carnival, games, and a parade. October 15th is the Root’n Toot’n Rodeo Round Up; when age 12 and under can fish all morning. More information and registration available at their website.


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.Annual National Shrimp Festival: Gulf Shore Beach Area

If you are a “foodie” and love shrimp, this festival is for you! Your challenge will be to “taste” which restaurant offers the best shrimp recipe at the Annual National Shrimp Festival. On the beautiful Gulf Shore beaches of Alabama, this “shrimp-fest” is held yearly the second weekend in October. Sponsored by local organizations, the event is FREE to everyone! You may locate The Festival at the intersection of where Highway 59 ends and Highway 182.

One of the nation’s premier outdoor festivals, this one attracts some 250,000 people, featuring fine art, arts & crafts, retail marketplace, and outdoor village; and of course, SHRIMP! Meander through some 300 vendors, and pause for musical entertainment at two stages–with the children’s attention entertained in the Children’s Activity Village where they may create their own artwork.

This year the 4th Annual Shrimp Festival hosts Singing for Scholarships on Saturday at the west stage. Featuring the best youth talent from Baldwin County, Alabama, the promises to be well attended! Saturday is Sand Sculpture Day. Saturday morning is the family friendly sand sculpture contest. Prizes include both cash and trophies!

Join in the fun, entertainment, and food at the festival. Go ahead and book your stay today!


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Fall Festival is southwestern NY ldest & largest Festival & comes alive as its foliage is ablaze with vibrant color.

Thousands of participants host you with a lively weekend of unique foods, an arts and crafts show, carnival rides, live entertainment, and more at the Ellicottville Fall Festival. What a great way to celebrate Fall and the leaves changing throughout the valley.

This fall festival is a fun, way to kick off the season in Ellicottville. In addition festival fun downtown, Fall Festival extends to Holiday Valley with chairlift rides to Spruce Lake. For more information on entertainment, go to the official festival website. Looking for the best routes to Ellicottville? Check the official festival website.

Choose for the dozens of vacation rentals on Find Rentals to reserve your next Ellicottville Accommodation.


                          Search for Vacation Rentals in Ellicottville, New York




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