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How to Start a Travel Blog

How to Start a Travel Blog from the Beginning

How to Start a Travel Blog from the Beginning
If you’ve ever voiced your decision to start up a travel blog, there’s a huge chance you have already heard statements like ‘Travel blogs are too popular’. Unfortunately, they’re right. The travel blog industry is too saturated, and that’s why it’s difficult for any budding travel blogger to stay on top of the competition.
When it comes to starting a travel blog, it’s not enough to simply hire an essay writer to churn out content for you. You’ll have to strategize and take efficient measures to find your place under the digital sun. Fortunately, we’ve come up with valuable tips to help you navigate the murky waters of travel blogging and stand on your own two feet. So let’s get started.

Establish your Audience

Before you hop into creating a travel blog, it’s essential to determine if you have an audience for it first. This stage usually involves a lot of deep thinking and strategizing. For starters, you have to decide what you want to write about. If the word “travel” popped into your head after reading the previous sentence, you’re wrong. 
Writing about something as generic as “travel” is a sure-fire way to make you stay at the bottom of the digital food chain. Instead, dig deeper and come up with something much more authentic. For instance, think of photography guides or tips for holiday activities
After determining your niche, you can go on to identify your audience properly. For instance, if your niche is centered around travel guides for family vacations and tours, there’s a huge chance that your target audience could be couples or parents. Once you’ve determined who your target audience is, ensure that you keep them in mind every step of the way.

Research Competitors

So, you’ve found out who your target audience is. What’s next? Well, before you start your blog, you need to whip out your spy glasses and track the competition. But why is it so important to research your competitors anyway? It’s pretty simple. By spying on competitors within the same niche as you, you’ll be able to identify content gaps and fill them up. Remember, you’re not trying to copy them; you’re just trying to create unique and better content for your readers.

Pick a Name for your Blog

Congratulations! You’ve got to one of the trickiest stages. Although choosing a name for your blog might seem easy at first glance, there are several pitfalls you want to avoid if you’re trying to build a long-lasting brand. The major key to choosing the right name is opting for a memorable name that suits your brand’s personality and goals. Here are some handy tips that will help you choose the right name for your blog: 
Avoid cliches
Take a look around. Most travel blogs already use words like “trip,” “adventure,” “travel” and whatnot. While there’s nothing wrong with joining the party and using these over-flogged words in your brand name, you can’t set your brand apart when you use cliches. Think outside the box and come up with something creative that the entire industry hasn’t seen yet. Special characters are like a pet rock - you don’t need them. Although it might be tempting to use hyphens, underscores, and other special characters in your brand name, they only make it hard to describe or even remember. Ditch the bells and whistles and go for something simple.
Don’t limit yourself
When choosing a name for your travel blog, you have to ensure that you aren’t limiting yourself permanently. For instance, if you choose a name that says “American tour guide,” you may have to limit yourself to only American tours and trips. If you feel like your brand and content will grow over time, try not to restrict yourself to one particular niche when choosing a name.

Set up Hosting 

Once you’ve chosen a brand name, it’s time to get down to the technical aspects of blogging. Now, if you’re a rookie blogger, you might find it difficult to grasp the concepts of domain and web hosting. Well, it’s pretty simple. A domain is the URL of your blog or website, and you’ll need to pay an annual fee for it. 
On the other hand, web hosting involves finding and renting an online space to house or host your travel blog. There are several web hosting providers that you can turn to when setting up hosting for your site. For instance, you can set up hosting with Bluehost, one of the most popular and reliable ones out there.

Install WordPress and Customize your Website

Usually, after signing up and subscribing to Bluehost, you’ll be asked to set up a WordPress password. WordPress is one of the most popular platforms for blogging and is just what you need as a beginner. After configuring your WordPress password, simply log into your account and choose your preferred WordPress theme. You don’t need to dwell much on this section, as you can always change the theme later. You’ll also be asked whether your website is personal or used for business. When you get to this section, click on “business.” Further down the line, you can customize the website to suit your needs by adding plugins like Askimet or YoastSEO. Also, don’t forget to get a brand logo that truly reflects your brand’s goals and persona.

Get Down to Creating Content

Finally, it’s time to start creating content. However, before you begin crafting your first travel blog post, you should create the “About Me” section. The About Me page should tell your audience more about you, your interests, and why you started travel blogging. Next, ensure that any content you dish out is superb, engaging, and worthy of sharing. Don’t be scared to let your true personality shine through your content. Remember: you’re writing a fun blog, not a college thesis.

Final Thoughts

Although the travel blog industry is already a crowded one, you can still stay on top of the competition. Just choose a flexible niche that you love, create great content, and promote the heck out of it.
Good luck!


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