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Tips for Hiking with your Dog

Tips for Hiking With Your Dog


Very few friends are willing to take on an adventure with you. Your pet can make the ideal partner to spend your lonesome days with, especially when going outdoors. If this is your first trip with your dog, there are some things you should plan for before you head into the great outdoors. Following these easy hiking precautions and safety tips, you and your dog will remain safe. It will also be helpful for others hiking along.


Hiking Tips With Your Dog


1. Choose The Right Trail

Not all hiking trails are safe for going with animals. The trails in national parks, for example, do not allow dogs. You, therefore, need to pick a trail where dogs are allowed. Doing your research in advance will help you to avoid turning up at a trailhead only to find that your plans for the weekend are all futile. Once you have found a dog-friendly road, find out the etiquette regulations.


2. Ensure That The Dog is Fit

If you're planning on hiking with your dog, you need to ensure that it is physically fit. It means that the dog should have the agility that allows it to hike. Therefore, before you step out with the dog, have a discussion with your vet about your dog's immune system and overall condition.

The vet will guide you based on the breed, size, personality, and age. Not all dogs make good hiking companions. Hiking is an exhausting task; thus, dogs that can't tolerate vigorous exercise shouldn't do it. Some pets can find steep and uneven terrain difficult and dangerous to navigate.

Adequate exercise is necessary to prepare your pet for the adventure. Let your dog learn to navigate various terrains by walking them often or using obstacles to maneuver them around your compound. Diet also plays a major role in providing the dog with the strength he needs for hiking. Find healthy food, snacks, and supplements and feed him well before getting to the wilderness.


3. Control Your Dog While Hiking

Even though your dog is perfect off-leash, you never know what you could find when you go hiking with a dog. Dogs need leashes and dog collars for easy control and navigation. It prevents the dog from scaring other trail users and keeps him safe from wild animals.

Do not allow the dog to chase other animals. They should know that you are out for a nature walk, not hunting. You need a dog trainer to give your dog instructions on what to do and what to avoid while outdoors with the owner.  


Outdoors With Your Dog


4. Pack Enough Supply for Your Hiking Trip

Like you, your dog will burn more calories than usual. Thus they will need extra food to keep their energy levels going. Ensure that the food you carry is high in protein and carbs to replenish the energy they spend while walking. Remember to also keep your dog's bowl of water with you.

Make sure that you provide the dog with water anytime you stop for water or a snack. To ensure that they are hydrated, keep an eye on their nose to prevent it from getting too warm, which is the initial sign of dehydration.


5. Learn First Aid for Dogs

It's important to know basic first aid for pets, so you know how to handle something minor and avoid emergencies. If your canine companion becomes unconscious and seems struggling to breathe, you'll want to revive him. It is recommended that you take a CPR class with a skilled professional who will answer your questions.

Know some of the signs of vitality. The pulse of a resting dog is usually between 60-120 beats per minute, depending on the size. The bigger the dog, the fewer beats it gets. Please get to know your pooch's resting pulse so you can check its pulse when you're hiking to make sure it's handling the walk well. Place a fingertip carefully on an artery to test its pulse, and count the breaths for 60 seconds.

In Summary

Pets are the best companions, knowing that they cannot cheat or abuse your kindness toward them. Taking your pet along on your various adventures can be fun, which will boost their health and physical strength. It is essential to know how to take care of your dog when hiking so that you can avoid self-injury or unprecedented costs or life threats.


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