Switching Energy Supplier


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Art Basel Miami Beach

Art Basel Miami Beach
by Anthony Vaarwerk

The Tenant's Guide To Switching Energy Supplier


When talking about changing energy providers, many urban myths continue to stop and ward off tenants from getting a better deal. One of these myths is that renters cannot switch energy or gas suppliers.  However, it is not always the case. In fact, those people who rent and directly pay their own bills can opt to switch to a more affordable energy supplier. Although your landlord pays your bills, you have the entitlement to know what you should be charged with. 

Here’s a quick guide to switching energy providers when you are renting. Take a read!


Can You Change Energy Providers?

Sure, you can switch, provided that you pay your bills directly. If you rent your home and want to save hundreds of dollars on your bills every year, then you can easily switch energy suppliers, unless your landlord is responsible for paying your bills.

The fact that you do not own the house you reside in doesn’t mean you don’t have the right to change energy suppliers. As a matter of fact, Ofgem, an energy regulator, cleared any falseness and misconceptions flanking this issue. 

Ofgem has previously released guidance and tips stressing the rights of a tenant to switch energy utilities. The bottom line was very clear and straightforward—renting doesn’t renounce your right and entitlement to seek affordable energy suppliers.


What Happens If Your Landlord Pays Your Bills?

If the property-owner pays your energy bills, probably by paying them as an intermediate or directly, then you won’t be able to switch energy providers. Take note that you can only switch if you have direct communication with your energy provider. 

Even so, it’s worth mentioning that most landlords are sympathetic and understanding. Thus, they may consent you to switch energy suppliers if you want, though they’re not obligated to do so. 

Moreover, in your tenancy agreement, what if there is a clause about energy providers? Again, if you directly pay your energy bills, there’s no reason why you can’t choose a new energy provider. 

However, it’s essential to inform your landlord if you plan to switch. You are not obliged to do so, but perhaps your landlord will appreciate the gesture and might write it into your tenancy agreement.


What Can The Property Owner Charge You?

If you are wondering what your landlord can charge you for your electricity and gas, have a look at your tenancy agreement first. In the agreement, you can find all the conditions and terms associated with your payments. All of them are more likely listed and specified.

If the agreement states that you have to pay bills to your landlord, then there is no need for you to worry about changing energy suppliers. This kind of situation is common when you reside in rented apartments or rent land for events. 

In these cases, there are many tenants involved. Thus, it is usually more uncomplicated and straightforward for the property owner to get control and authority of the energy bills. For the most part, you can just be charged for your bills up to the highest resale price of your energy. 

Your electricity bill is usually limited by law. However, it can differ, depending on how you consume or use your energy at home. If the property-owner computes your energy consumption without a meter, they must be able to tell you how the fees were calculated. 

Otherwise, the meter will provide precise readings on how much you have consumed in your rental accommodation. Thus, you can be charged for any fees. Landlords should charge a domestic rate, regardless if they have direct contact with the energy supplier. 

There are a few charges, like energy consumed in the communal lighting or building, which you’ll be exempted, though. These fees will be charged separately. 


Preliminary Information Needed For Switching

If you can switch energy suppliers, you need to keep a few details in mind. These include a meter reading, your current energy supplier, your postcode, the meter point reference number, and meter point access number, as well as your bank details. 

When you have all of these in mind, you can then type them into your chosen energy comparison site, and a list of energy tariffs and suppliers will be displayed. But to look for the best energy comparison sites in your area, just search them online, for example, electricity price comparison in Tx. Then you will see a list of websites to choose from. 



If you believe that the property owner is overcharging you for your electric and gas use, then make sure to ask them how they’ve computed the figure they are billing you. And if the findings do not coincide with what you think you should have been charged for, you can contact Citizens Advice for help, especially if you have not resolved the issue informally. 


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